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Analog Series Vol. 1 EP by Mianyo // Out 12th August

aitor | julio 27, 2015

Mianyo is back ! This time with the first installment of «Analog Series Vol.1» The spanish artist offers this time, two new original cuts on the one hand we have the A1-side with the so-called «Behind The Bass», a theme Deephouse, simple but effective, sampling, classical percussion, a strong bass […]

I-Traxx Red EditionNews

«Zombies» are aLIVE by Adriano Canzian

aitor | mayo 17, 2015

Adriano Canzian presented «Zombies» last 14_May at Void@Rocket Here you can listen a snippet of the live that the italian artist offered to the select public of Rocket. Down you can also listen and Buy the album featured on the live, «Zombies» «ZOMBIES»THE ALBUM LIVE SHOWCASE (The Short Version)@VOID@ROCKET,MILANO,14_05_2015 by […]

NewsSofa Tunes

BeatLove presenta «Wins» en Sofa Tunes

aitor | marzo 9, 2015

“Wins” es el segundo trabajo que el dúo BeatLove edita en su trayecto. Publicado en abril de 2015 por el sello navarro Sofa Tunes, Musex Industries. Pre-venta AQUÍ    Formado de cuatro tracks originales y dos remixes, donde artistas como Reykjavik 606 y Fernando Lagreca protagonistas del 2014, dejan todo […]

I-Traxx Red EditionNews

Ethan Fawkes new gigs 2015

aitor | marzo 3, 2015

Estamos muy contentos de ver como grandes festivales abren las puertas a nuestro fetiche favorito; Ethan Fawkes. El Electron Festival de Ginevra ha confirmado la presencia del artista Belga entre los grandes; The Hacker, Lil´Louise, Rohad, Kink, Mulero, Kolsh, Squarepusher, Boize Noize, DJ Koze… Y ahora Ethan Fawkes…. El Electron […]


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